We Have No Love and No Joy (part2)

After the comments from Donna Brazile were publicized everywhere weeks ago, Chris Lehane, a Gore campaign spokesman, took it upon himself to try to smooth things over in the press.

"There's no question that General Powell is a great American hero who has contributed in many ways to America and we're grateful for that. However, having General Powell, Congressman Watts in the Republican Party, no matter how distinguished they are is not a substitute for an agenda that supports African-Americans, including civil rights, health care, education and affirmative action. That was precisely the point of Donna Brazile's comment."

This is simply a regurgitation of the same comment that Donna Brazile made earlier. Only this time, the game that she refered to is spelled out for us. His implying that the Republicans do not support civil rights, health care, and education are utterly false. This is just another example of the ongoing crusade by the left to falsly portray, to the minorities in this country, the right as a party of old white men. The only game being played here is a game of misrepresentation and manipulation. They would rather try to convince you that voting for them will protect you from the horrible oppression of the right rather than just relying on their own logic and arguements to win an election.

These statements, from Lehane, only go to show just how bold the left has become when spreading this sort of propaganda. In the past, this sort of inflamatory campaigning would have been much more discreet and directed towards smaller audiences. Now, with the ever increasing probability of a Democratic defeat in the presidential election, we see the language coming boldly through the national media and directed to the nation as a whole. You don't have to read between the lines here to see that he is effectively telling African-Americans that the Republicans do not have any interest in addressing their concerns. Lehane is merely trying to foster a sence of alienation from the Republican party. By doing so, he is trying to unite the African-American vote in support of the Democratic party, whom he'd have them believe is really putting their interests first.

Contrary to what Lehane would have you believe, the Republicans do support civil rights, health care, and education. These are important issues to all Americans, regardless of their ethnic background. Also, Republicans firmly believe that women and other minorities must not be denied their rights as American citizens, however, it is time we realize that affirmative action programs violate the very principle of equality.

We must remember that these laws were intended to try to bring some equity into the job market during a period of time that was without a doubt lacking in it. They were never intended to be a permanent fixture. The times have changed a lot in the last forty years. Its time we start asking ourselves if our culture and our society still need affirmative action to protect some of us from discrimination, or if affirmative action is merely prolonging the very discrimination it was designed to erase. Affirmative Action has to eventually end, as we cannot truely be equal while we still tell some segments of our population that they are unequal and that they would not have a fair chance without government enforced quotas to protect them.

An important part of the liberal philosophy is that the government must take an active role in helping those citizens who are, for whatever reason, unable to help themselves, whether it be by cruel fate or by discrimination. However, the liberals of today are using this philosophy to maintain political control over these very groups they claim to be defending. As long as these groups subscribe to the notion that they are in need of government protection, they will logically vote in favor of those who promise to provide it. Liberals such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Ted Kennedy, and Al Gore are relentless in their efforts to keep Affirmative Action. They take advantage of every opportunity to show us just how oppressed our minorities are and just how much we need Affirmative Action to protect them.

Whenever opportunities arise to educate our children about equality, such as the movement to require the memorization and recitaction of the section of the Declaration of Independence that includes the famous statement, "all men are created equal", the supporters of it are attacked. The opposition to this requirement claim that it is an insult to require their grandchildren to recite this line because when it was written they were in fact not included in the word "men". I wouldn't even for a moment question that fact. I don't feel that Thomas Jefferson himself really believed in that line, even though it is his. While the equality of men may not have been a true statement back in 1776, or until 1863, or maybe even until 1964 we must try to raise up this generation of children as the generation that truely believes in that statement, or we will be left with a generation that will continue to wallow in the mistakes of our previous ones. What I do question is why are we fighting for equality, but constantly reminding our children of how different they all are. If we don't teach our children that they are all created equal, how will they learn this?

What is the harm in trying to teach our children that they are all created equal? Why are liberals so intent on telling minorities that they still today need Affirmative Action? What would happen if the concept of minority populations disappeared and we were to become an inclusive society where all men and women were considered to be on equal footing? What would happen if the issues of the day no longer revolved around race? If so, what would happen to politics as we know it? Maybe then, we would focus in on the root of most issues: the role and responsibility of the government in our lives.

This is why liberalism supports and nurtures a divided America. By refusing to allow these minority groups to unite with other minority groups and the majority to become assymilated parts of a single society of American citizens, liberalism insures that the minorities they claim to be defending will in fact be indebted to them. By keeping America divided and making different promises to each different group, they ensure that they will maintain political control over us all. Liberalism itself forces dependence on a larger and greater force, here the government, thusly cementing the governments expansion and future growth. If the main political issue is the role and responsibility of the government, increasing its size and authority is the ultimate response by those in the left-wing on how to deal with that issue.

It is unfortunate that there was a need for Affirmative Action in this country. It is a disgrace, to the good that came of it, the way that the liberals in our nation today continue to abuse Affirmative Action by using it as a political tool. While we as a nation have yet to totally conquer racism, we are getting to the point where we need to question the future of Affirmative Action policies.